Lisa Whyte

As a doctor, I understand the importance of fitness and strength training as we get older. 


Lagom gives you this,  and a whole lot more. Working out with the same group of fabulous girls fosters great friendships and loads of laughs and gets us through the sweaty workouts that Tam puts us through.


Duncan Nealon

I’ve trained with Tam for many years. She is fantastically motivational, and really knows how to get the best out of her clients.


Our sessions always leave me feeling suitably ‘worked’ but also full of energy and enthusiasm for whatever is coming up.


She’s also a super nice lady, with a fab sense of humour, which doesn’t hurt!


Highly recommend Lagom to anyone looking to improve their fitness and general conditioning.

Nicola Saul

I never thought I would love getting up early to go to the gym. It feels like a social with friends along side a great workout. 


Not only have these classes helped my strength and fitness they also help keep my mind clear and de stressed. I feel so much better all round for doing them mentally and physically. 


I now feel more comfortable in my own skin and have the most confidence I ever had.

Lucy Buckham

I have trained with Tam since I had my first child six years ago. Tam’s professionalism, understanding of fitness and wellbeing, and dedication is first-class. 

Her passion and enthusiasm absolutely sets her apart, and not to mention the effectiveness of her training – I always see fantastic results when training with Tam.

As a full-time working mum, the flexibility and availability of Tam’s classes works perfectly with my busy lifestyle. She is always welcoming and supportive no matter what you are juggling in life.

Tam’s training takes you from regaining post-partum fitness and strength, to build and push yourself as far as you want to go – anything is possible and you make great friends along the way!

Elaine Tibbats

I’ve been training with Tam for 3 years and I enjoy our sessions and would absolutely recommend her.


From the outset, Tam took the time to assess my fitness goals, tailor a personalised workout plan, and consistently adjust it as needed. 


This personalised approach has been crucial in helping me achieve and exceed the fitness milestones I set for myself.


What sets Tam apart is her ability to motivate and inspire. She creates a positive and challenging training environment, pushing me to go beyond my perceived limits while always prioritising safety and proper form.


 The variety in her workouts keeps things interesting and ensures a well-rounded fitness routine.


Tam is an effective communicator and her commitment to my success with fitness and nutrition is evident both in our sessions and outside of them.

Xanthe Blair

Having tried, & failed, many ways of losing my “baby weight” I was recommended Tam. I initially signed up for one of the 7 week programmes & was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the sessions as I’m not a natural gym/fitness person.


Tam took the time to get to know my circumstances & goals, & together we worked on my nutrition & fitness to achieve remarkable results!


After my initial block, I managed to change my classes to fit in with my current lifestyle, finding it easy to do as there are a variety of classes & timings. 


The main difference that I have found with using Tam is that she has a genuine interest in me as a person & helping me reach my targets. I never thought I would be someone who looks forward to a workout but by there always being an awesome atmosphere, having successful results & Tam as a positive motivator, she has truly changed my outlook on health & fitness.

Rupert Carter

I’ve worked with Tam for almost 8 years – she does sessions for the whole team (HIIT, Yoga, Circuits) and PT sessions with me one on one. 


She’s brilliant, she keeps things fresh, keeps us motivated and has contributed meaningfully to my and the teams health and well being. She’s also a wonderful human being.

Jen Mugleston

I have been training with Tam for around 4 years – first focusing on restoring my fitness after my 3rd baby with her group classes, then helping my recovery from surgery/chemotherapy with some 121 sessions, and now continuing my strength/conditioning growth with her small group training programme.



What I appreciate most about Tam is that she completely understands our busy lives and she makes it as easy as possible for us to still achieve our health and wellness goals. She designs effective, efficient programming so that you’re not always in the gym; she makes it fun to train so the time flies when you are there; and she is always cheering you on and supporting you with any questions/problems you might be facing.



I’ve never met another PT like her – her knowledge, skill, compassion & energy are a killer combo.

Lucy Nealon

I started PT sessions with Tamsin 6 months after having my second baby. I had always exercised but, on reflection, not very effectively.



Post baby I wanted to lose a stone in weight but with 2 young children and in the process of opening my own business I had to be super effective with my time.


Over a period of 6-9 months, Tamsin totally changed my attitude to exercise and food and I lost 2 stone (dropping 2-3 dress sizes) making me the lightest I had ever been in my adult life. She helped me to strengthen and look and feel in great shape, massively improving my body confidence.



That was over 9 years ago and we still train together. I have stayed exactly the same weight and stayed fit and well toned. 

The key being, Tamsin over a period of time helped me to shift my attitude to food and exercise but most crucially taught me about the importance of consistency. 



I have developed a consistency with Tamsin’s help that works for me and my lifestyle. That includes still enjoying a regular glass of wine; takeaway and as a renowned chocoholic, allowing me to have a daily chocolate treat.


All these years later, Tamsin still continues to fine tune my training whether it is to ensure my bikini body is ready for the summer holiday or tweaking the exercise to manage my knee injury or in the last year starting to identify how my exercise needs to change as I get closer to menopause age.

We train hard and Tamsin continues to push me but in a supportive, fun and most importantly an effective way.

As a busy working mum I cannot recommend Tamsin enough.


Siobhan Bassford

I started training with Tam after I had my second baby. First joining Mum & Me fitness classes, I then joined Lagom and the early morning classes when I returned to work. 


Tam is a very supportive instructor, pushing me to achieve more than I thought I could, and starting me on a journey to greater strength and fitness. 


The classes are engaging and welcoming, and we have such a laugh, even at 6am, that I have achieved results quickly and have better energy throughout the day.


 We are now a Lagom family with my husband working with Tam too.

Howard Bassford

I’d thoroughly recommend working with Tam – she’s a thinking person’s personal trainer.

My experience of her is that sessions are pitched really well, tailored to your needs and how you feel on the day. Tam mixes things up in terms of routine, so that work-outs are never boring and always challenging. Perhaps as importantly as anything, you see results from working with her as well as feeling benefits in terms of energy levels and well-being.

You leave one of Tam’s sessions feeling that you have achieved something and ready to tackle whatever is coming next.

Olivia McCullough

The morning training sessions are my happy place. 


Tam and the group members are so supportive and help you to push yourself. A lovely bubble of positivity!

Susan Lane

Superb tailored training programme and the patience of a saint!


Motivating and buzzing with energy. Great to have to boost your team’s energy and focus before the start of a working day.

Jenny Cowen

I’ve been training with Tam for over 7 years now.. she caters for everyone, has tonnes of knowledge, her plans are progressive and fun. 


I’ve got so much stronger with her.. and run a marathon with her! There is no way I’d have imagined I would do that when we first met.

Emma Brangwin

Training Online gives me the gift of time when I exercise. 


It is the ultimate, flexible way to workout – I don’t have to waste time travelling, sort childcare, and is easily fitted in before starting work.


The regular sessions mean I have a great routine for setting an alarm, and I would never have started (or continued) Strength Training if it wasn’t for Tam and these sessions.

Nearly 3 years in, I still love them, and I’m well and truly hooked!

Hannah Billyard

What I love is Tam’s ability to see just what you need and she always has a plan to get you there.


She notices and celebrates every achievement.


If you want to be fitter, stronger, more flexible, just starting out or needing a new challenge then Tam can help you.

Lizzi Simkim

I started training with Tam 4 years ago and look forward to her sessions every week!

Tam brings enthusiasm and energy to every session, tailoring plans to individual needs and mixing up routines to keep things interesting.

Tam has such a lovely energy and is so easy to talk to, she will push you hard but she’ll also make you laugh!


Boxing / circuits / HIIT / yoga / weights are some of the highlights – she really is a first class PT!